Evening Chores

I tagged along with a camera on most of today’s evening chores.  I missed the feeding of the horse and some of the garden work, but most of it was captured for your enjoyment.


Squash anyone? Wait a few days and there will be plenty right here!


Is this a tomato bush or a tomato tree? Either way, it’s taller than Wilson!


As he pulled weeds, he cursed at them and used their scientific name. I love my AgNerd!


Baby Girl showed up in her bikini, fresh from the sprinkler, to help Daddy check the sweet corn! It’ll be ready early next week!


It was a struggle, but she managed to wait all the way to the wash rack before eating this tomato fresh from the vine. Daddy asked for a bite, but she quickly ate it all!


The bunnies got fresh carrot tops and their food & water dishes refilled.


The chickens know to follow the red bucket for their food, but they often follow it back to the shed empty. Not the brightest animals on the farm, for sure!

And there you have it!  This evening on the farm was brought to you by the sweat of the brow of the man snoring next to me.  Good night, y’all.  

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